Monday, September 22, 2014

CCRPI Reports in Student Record

There are several CCRPI indicators that can be derived from Student Record (& FTE) data alone. Other indicators need extended Assessment data that's not part of either FTE or Student Record data collection.

Now, the reports that can be derived from Student Record and FTE datasets, are available in Student Record application. We encourage school districts to keep track of these year round and not just towards the end of the year.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New Reports in Student Record

A major change in upcoming 2015 CCRPI reports is the change in the way student attendance information is factored into a school's CCRPI score.

Instead of average daily attendance (ADA), percent of students with fewer than 6 absences is going to be included in Post Elementary, Middle & High school readiness scores.

Now, we have a report available under Enrollment reports, that will help schools keep track of this important CCRPI indicator year round. See the screenshots below

Pic 1

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Using Schedule Analysis

Schedule Analysis (already installed on FteTrack server) helps you with:
  • Identifying students with missing/incomplete schedules
  • Reduce potential un-funded students/segments for FTE
  • Review class size for various programs & services (identified easily by Course numbers)
  • Make sure scheduling rules are followed for each school/ grade level
  • Review teacher rosters for TKES/LKES system

Logging on to Schedule Analysis:
It's installed on the same server as FteTrack and you use the same userid and password that you use for FteTrack. URL for schedule analysis is http://[ftetrack server]/SA/index.html , where [ftetrack server] is the name or IP address of the machine where FteTrack is installed. For example,