Monday, January 13, 2014

Student Record App

Just like FteTrack, Student Record application also gives district users a head start in terms of error handling and reports.

But, it does so much more. Unique drill-down feature allows you to review and correct each and every data element in Student Record files.

We recommend districts start running Student Record extracts after the first month of school year and clean data year round, so that it doesn't become a monumental task in May and June, when schools are dealing with several year-end tasks like Report Cards, HOPE, CCRPI etc.

Installing Student Record application is simple, assuming you already are an FteTrack user, download the application archive and run the appropriate command file from an Administrator command window.


Student Record application uses the same backend database as FteTrack, so, the same userid and password can be used to login to this application.

URL for the student record app is similar to the URL for FteTrack, you just need to replace "/FteTrack" with "/sr" in the URL (web address)

For example, if you use the URL to login to FteTrack, you will use the URL to login to Student Record application.

Once you login as an administrator, you should look at the "SR Setup and Files Locations" under System Reports on the Home page:

Home page & Navigation
Extract file locations and Setup

File names should match with the configuration page above and the should be placed in appropriate folder location.Once you have copied the required files to the appropriate folder, you can run the command file run_StudentRecordLoad.cmd from the folder C:\Apache2\htdocs\sr\uploads . That should generate all of the reports including error reports.

Load Command file (Should be added as a Shortcut)

After the load job has finished, you can (and should) review the following:

  • Error Report (under System Reports)
  • Demographic, ELL, Gifted, Remedial, Migrant, Homeless and Economically Disadvantaged reports (under Student Reports)
  • Discipline Incident and Action Summary reports (under Discipline/Student Safety Reports from the Home page)
  • Withdrawal Reason report, Drop-out reason report and Absences greater than 5 days report (under Enrollment Reports)

Error Report

Student Level Reports

Retained Students Report

Discipline Incident Summary

Incident Summary by Incident Type
School Incident counts by Incident Type

Drop-out Reason Report

Students with more than 5 absences by School

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