Sunday, January 5, 2014

FteTrack Enhancements - Validations

As most of FteTrack users know, one of the numerous ways that FteTrack helps school districts maximize funding and ensure data quality, is by letting individual schools take ownership of their own data. An important built-in tool is the Validation button, whereby, school users can keep track of any data inconsistencies by validating records (along with optional comments).

One of the most requested feature enhancements is a way to tag students in the list by identifying the ones that somebody has looked at the details and validated by making sure that the validation warnings are legitimate/acceptable.

Now, when you are looking at the Student list for a particular Discrepancy report, you will see students who have been validated, clearly marked accordingly in the list. (See the picture below)

This change in included in version V20131230.

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