New CCRPI Reports
both of these reports use Course History data for High school students along with students' current schedules. So, for these reports to work, necessary data needs to be imported from SIS database into FteTrack database. We already have scripts setup for Powerschool and Infinite Campus to do this, all you need is a read-only access to your SIS database. If you use an SIS other than the two mentioned above, contact us and we will provide file layouts to be used to export data out of your SIS.
A sample of "Students completing 3 credits in a CTAE Pathway Current Year" in figure 1 below
Figure 1 |
A sample of "Graduates/Seniors completing 1 credit in Physics" in figure 2 below
Figure 2 |
Dis-proportionality and Special Ed Discipline
Several Special Ed users have requested enhancements to Discipline detailed student reports in terms of being able to track total ISS and OSS days and being able to see which Special Ed students were expelled. Student Lists under "Student Safety Reports" now show
cumulative days in ISS & OSS and also whether a student has been expelled (figures 3 & 4) along with Primary Area of Exceptionality (if applicable). Please share this with your Special Ed department users.
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Signoff (School Summary) Report for School Users
Gives school users an overview of their important data elements (Enrollment, Attendance, Course, Discipline etc.) with an option to drill-down to detailed reports. (Figures 5 & 6)
Figure 5 |
Figure 6 |
User Comments
School users can enter comments for each errors/warnings that can be used during signoff to get errors relieved. (Figure 7)
Figure 7 |
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