Friday, December 12, 2014

Student Record Enhancements, Tips & Tricks (December 2014)

DOE's Student Record "data cleansing" has been problematic at best. Several edits are either not working or if they are working, they are not working as they are supposed to.

I have wasted several weeks trying to "figure out" what's wrong with our data, only to realize that the DOE still hasn't implemented changes that they published months back at their end.

Good news is, we have all of those edits and file layout changes implemented in our application.

Course level data creates a lot of problems regarding Students in grades 6-12 not having enough courses in the file. The problem is, most schools are not yet finished with first semester still, so the course level extract generated by the SIS doesn't have enough courses for most students.

To get around this problem, what we have done is to provide a way in SR application so that you can merge your Student Class data with SR Course extract. This will significantly reduce your course level errors and will also prepare you end users for errors that they will see once courses in Student Class have a final grade and are included in SR Course extract.

You want to make sure that Student Class file is there in it's correct location according to the SR setup page (under System Reports from the main menu)

When we load Student Class to SR, we only keep records that are not already in SR Course extract based on StudentID, Course# and Section# key.

So, after you have loaded your Student Class file along with SR Course extract and you still have E902 errors for students, those students have missing/incomplete schedules in your SIS as they are not even scheduled in enough classes.

Another way to verify course data is to look at CCRPI reports available in the application that reference SR Course data.

Setting up error resolutions for school users for SR Errors/Warnings:

You can setup 1-2 lines of instructions for your school users as to how you want each error/warning handled in the SIS. See pics E1 & E2 below

Pic E1

Pic E2

Merging DOE errors with application generated errors:

As most of our users know, SR application only generates errors/warnings that can be generated based on data files you load to the application. What that means is that we cannot generate errors that reference other DOE datasets/applications (GUIDE errors) , or, reference data from another school system (Duplicates with other school systems).

To get around this limitation, you can download SR errors from the DOE portal and merge that error report with the one generated by SR application. To do this:

You want to download your Errors from the DOE portal for your system, it should be called XXXerrors.csv, where XXX is your 3 digit district code. Then, you just copy this file as is to C:\StateFiles\SRFiles folder of your FteTrack server.

That's all you need to do, next time you run Student Record load job, it will automatically load the DOE error file and merge that with errors that are generated by the application so that your school users will have just one place to review these errors and make the necessary changes to data.


  1. I love being able to download the errors from the DOE to merge with other errors. Thanks for this feature!

  2. Can you try updating your server with the latest update, if still an issue, send me an email.
