We recently discovered that some school systems may be over reporting their Dropouts.
Under current data collection rules, you will get an error if you report a student as a dropout and another school system subsequently is reporting the student as enrolled in their system. However, you don't get any error or warning if another school within system reports a subsequent enrollment. To track these potentially problematic dropouts, we have added a new report in Student Record under Enrollment Reports menu. (Pic 1, 2 & 3)
Under current data collection rules, you will get an error if you report a student as a dropout and another school system subsequently is reporting the student as enrolled in their system. However, you don't get any error or warning if another school within system reports a subsequent enrollment. To track these potentially problematic dropouts, we have added a new report in Student Record under Enrollment Reports menu. (Pic 1, 2 & 3)