There are 3 major enhancements to SIS Error Check application:
- Based on our analysis of just concluded year, we need to make sure each and every student in the system is scheduled correctly. This greatly reduces errors/problems in FTE, Student Record and CCRPI. (Pic 1 & 2)
- Ability for administrators to be able to turn an error ON or Off, admin users still see ALL errors, error visibility only changes for school-based users. (Pic 2)
- Ability for administrators to be able to see school counts for each error code. This is important when district users are trying to determine which schools need most help in terms of cleaning up their data. (Pic 3)
- Identify students in grades K-8 who do not have 4 core courses (English/Lang arts, Science, Mathematics and Social Studies) scheduled. (Pic 4)
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3 |
Pic4 |
You only need a read-only connection to your SIS backend database (SQL Server or Oracle)
Contact us if you would like to set this up and verify if every student in the system is scheduled correctly (before schools even start).